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Winter Camp - 2022 Edition

02 February 2022

Last weekend saw us out at Water Valley towards the foothills for our annual Winter Camp. Of course, being as Albertan weather tends to be winter when it feels like it, it was actually colder back in our November ‘Fall’ camp than we experienced just. No problem though. -16C overnight was cool enough to warrant the ‘winter’ experience and sufficiently warm enough not to impact us from having to retain social separation and all that goes along with remaining on the science-side of managing our response to COVID.

Ice Safety was the core theme to the weekend, given we were sat at the side of a large enough lake to offer a great risk landscape. We took to the ice with an auger and talked over ice thickness for weight support and signs to watch for in ice conditions. It’s always intersting to see confidence grow in the skills we teach from those who are maybe just that little more nervous about trying something new.

Having a smaller showing of participants actually made for a more effective camp given there was a good ratio of skilled and experienced folks to new and less experienced kids.